
Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Lazy Sunday Service

A slow week of writing and reading posts (my reader is telling me I've several hundred unread posts, that are going to unfortunately remain that way). I've been travelling and trying to get other things done. I haven't yet made my final decision on the cover, but having swung backwards and forwards between them, I'm slowing coming round to the second one (darker at the top), mainly because it makes more sense in literal terms and it also ties more with how the noose is found in the story (by a person staring up into the branches at dusk). No doubt I'll change my mind again by tomorrow.

My posts this week:
Are there any reasons why we shouldn't be cynical?
Disinvestment in education is the path to the innovation island?
Review of Devil's Food by Anthony Bruno
Review of Operation Mincemeat by Ben Macintyre
Final decision on cover
Does a story have to have likeable characters?

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