
Monday, September 13, 2010

The Map Reader cover design

We've been sent three mock covers for The Map Reader book.  We can either go with one of these three or ask to go back to the drawing board.  What do you think?  Which one do you like best or do you think we should ask for more options?


  1. I quite like the lower cover as the book title and country photo would grab the reader. The others are a bit too fiddly, but the blue right hand one would probably attract the academic reader.

  2. I quite like the bottom one as well. the top right is the worst. It looks like a school book from the 1970s!

  3. I vote for the bottom cover as well. It's extremely appealing, and would definitely get my interest!!

  4. I actually prefer the top right, probably because it does look like a school book from the 1970s! It is intriguing, with all those different types of map.

    I like the other two but the picture of the man in the mac is a bit old-fashioned - it would be better if the person did not look so 1950s (putting even the 1970s textbook to shame!). Maybe it could even be a woman.

    I do think that all three are a bit "fussy", though, I think they could come up with something a bit cleaner and more modern in design. But - they are all nice, I am just nitpicking.

  5. I really like the bottom cover as it is attractive in many ways. The top right one is a map readers atalas type cover.

  6. I agree, the bottom one is the most appealing as a book cover.

  7. I would like the bottom cover for a mystery set in the countryside, but for your kind of book I prefer the top left one.

    Never ask your readers; they won´t make things a bit easier ;)

  8. Thanks for your views. My problem is that they feel like road atlases rather than an academic book about maps. I think we might ask for some other designs.

  9. I agree with Dorte in that asking us is probably not going to help

    I think you're probably right though - they all look as if they're going to help you navigate from Cornwall to Edinburgh without having to stop at a Little Chef or something but I don't know what else to suggest

  10. Fully agree with you Rob. I didn't comment yesterday coz I didn't know what to say. Nice covers for road maps but don't seem appropriate for an academic book.

  11. Agree that it may be time to go back to the drawing board to design a cover that is less cluttered and has a cleaner look.

    These days artists are doing a lot with graphic design and there is such a huge selection of fonts that much is possible.
