
Sunday, January 2, 2011

My blogs of year

I try to catch up on various blogs every day, but there are dozens in my reader and time is short. If nothing else there are three places I check into everyday, almost without fail:

The Crime and Mystery Fiction Friendfeed – I’m not great at posting comments or acknowledging likes, but I do a lot of lurking. A great way of linking to a number of crime fiction blogs and a friendly community in which to chat about posts.

Pattinase – always interesting posts and comments and a great little community centred around the genial host and short story star, Patti Abbott. Participating in the Forgotten Friday challenge has improved my reading no end.

Crime Always Pays – the blog of the ever entertaining Declan Burke with reviews, observations and chat; an indispensible resource for anyone interested in Irish crime fiction and crime fiction in general.

A little bit more time and these are where I head next:

Reactions to Reading

You Would Say That, Wouldn’t You?

Mysteries in Paradise

DJ Krimiblog

Crime Scraps


Crime Watch

Do Some Damage

The Game’s Afoot

International Noir

Progressive Economy

Irish Economy

A great big thank you to everyone who produces these blogs. Not only are they great little communities, but the posts, chat, reviews, news and observations have informed my reading and views. May you long continue to post.


  1. Thanks for the hat tip! I'll dig into the ones that I don't know!

  2. Rob - You certainly have mentioned some stellar blogs and must-stops on my own blog rounds.
