
Thursday, February 7, 2013

300 up of new-to-me authors

Last week I posted the 300th review of a new-to-me author.  I only know this because at the end of each year I list such authors (all my reviews are listed here).  The great joy of reading other crime fiction blogs is I get to learn about hundreds of books a year and I track down many of them.  It has led to me reading much more widely across the genre and fiction from dozens of countries.  It has been incredibly rewarding and I've discovered many wonderful books and authors.  My plan over the next couple of years is to continue to discover new authors, but also to shift my reading more to catching up with books by authors I've read previously.  This is reflected in my present to-be-read pile where over fifty percent of the book are by authors I'm already familiar with.  Many thanks to all those blogs and review sites through which I've discovered new authors.


  1. Well done, Rob. I like to try new authors too. It's an important way not just to broaden one's reading but to get the word out about perhaps-less-well-known authors.

  2. What an incredibly generous thing to say, Rob. (Not that you're directing it to me, I'm saying just in general.) One doesn't see gratitude for anything expressed much these days, and when I do see the genuine article, it's like sighting the Sasquatch--I have to point and exclaim.
