Friday, September 14, 2012

The Prince and me

Last night I collected the Cantemir Prize from Prince Radu of Romania on behalf of the Berendel Foundation for The Map Reader.  It was a small, but very nice event in Trinity College, Oxford University.  Lots of very nice things were said about the book.  I had a quick skim of it myself on the train down from Birmingham.  I think I'm going to have to re-read it, as it contains a heap of interesting essays.  Strange how you forget work you wrote and put together!  Wiley-Blackwell really did an excellent job with the production - it has the look and feel of a nice book.  After a couple of speeches I received a handcrafted diploma (based on a 1920s royal design) in a beautiful leather bound folder, both made in Bucharest.  If you click on the diploma photo, you should get a better view of it.  Off to the conference now, which should be interesting.


Paul D Brazill said...

Congratulations Rob!

Anonymous said...

Rob - Congratulations and well done!