Friday, September 30, 2011
Half Blood Blues ...

Thursday, September 29, 2011
Review of Every Shallow Cut by Tom Piccirilli (Chizine, 2011)

Every Shallow Cut is a short book, even by novella standards. It runs to 162 pages, but it is a pocket sized format with generous margins and c. 150 words each page and a fair few blank pages. It took about 90 minutes to read. It cost the same as an ordinary novel that is usually about four times longer. Beyond cost to product ratio, I have nothing against short books, such as Carlo Lucarelli’s De Luca series. The condensed form can lead to a more powerful punch. In the case of Every Shallow Cut, the punch was powerful, but it seemed a little pulled. I really took to Piccirilli’s writing, which rattles along full of colorful images and nice observations. He really captures the downward spiral of a man in the process of losing everything. That said, the ending seemed to come a little too quick. I wasn’t convinced that he was yet at rock bottom, the point of no return. And I was surprised when I turned the last page (to find the ones following it were adverts; I felt it needed another twenty to thirty pages to fully wind out). Dave Zeltserman’s Small Crimes is a good example of a man’s descent into hell fully realized. Overall, Piccirilli is clearly a good storyteller and writes with engaging prose and I’m going to give one of his full novels a go, but this needed a bit more rounding out for my tastes.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Reginald Marsh art, flash fiction challenge

Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Review of The City, The City by China Mieville (Pan, 2009)

The City, The City is in many ways a straight up and down police procedural that is political inflected by trans-jurisdictional and office machinations. The plotting is solid and the writing nicely expressive. The characterisation is a little thin in places, especially with respect to personal lives and back story of the principal characters. It took me quite a while to get into the book, but once I was, I was hooked and it turned into a nice page turner, though I thought the ending with respect to the murder faltered a little, but not with respect to the personal outcomes and wider city politics. The key distinguishing feature of the book is its geographical imagination, which reminded me of the work of Philip K Dick and William Gibson. The twin cities of Besźel and Ul Qoma, the architecture, the complex geometry and the densely woven sense of place play a heightened role in the narrative. The two cities are literally entwined in and through each other in complex ways to produce a unique spatiality that bought to mind the complex geographies of contested cities such as Jerusalem, Belfast and Quebec. Besźel and Ul Qoma operate as a separate jurisdiction (with separate governments, cultures, languages, institutions, currency, fashions and so on), with some parts of the city being territorially ‘total’ (that is wholly Besźel or Ul Qoma) or ‘cross-hatched’ where the city space is notionally shared. Citizens are trained to ‘unsee’ and ignore the other city, even though it is clearly visible to them, and in the cross-hatched spaces that they share they have to avoid contact whilst continuing to ‘unsee’ who or what they might collide with. Failing to stay within a jurisdiction and to unsee the other city is to breach, a terrible crime policed by the shadowy organization known as Breach that has extended powers to punish those that transgress (those that breach are never seen again, which acts as a strong deterrent). Copula Hall is a key location which exists in both cities and acts as a border; effectively the only location through with citizens can officially pass from one city to the other. The geography of the city then very explicitly shapes everyday life and how citizens understand and interact with the landscape they live in. Overall, a fascinating read that does something different and interesting with the police procedural format.

Monday, September 26, 2011
White lips / Pale face / Breathing in snowflakes ...
I can't shift the Ed Sheeran song, The A Team, from endlessly looping in my mind. A singer-songwriter that uses his songs to tell stories in a form of lyrical poetry. Definitely my favourite kinds of songs. The video is also very good, apparently made for next to nothing. Could easily use the song as a jumping off point for a plethora of short stories or even a longer piece. Might do that at some point.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Lazy Sunday Service

Chip told us not to go out. Said, don't you boys tempt the devil. But it had been a brawl of a night, I tell you, all of us still reeling from the rot - rot was cheap, see, the drink of French peasants, but it stayed like nails in your gut. Didn't even look right, all mossy and black in the bottle. Like drinking swamp water.
Backcover blurb runs thus:
The aftermath of the fall of Paris, 1940. Hieronymous Falk, a rising star on the cabaret scene, was arrested in a cafe and never heard from again. He was twenty years old. He was a German citizen. And he was black. Fifty years later, Sid, Hiero's bandmate and the only witness that day, is going back to Berlin. Persuaded by his old friend Chip, Sid discovers there's more to the journey than he thought when Chip shares a mysterious letter, bringing to the surface secrets buried since Hiero's fate was settled. Half Blood Blues weaves the horror of betrayal, the burden of loyalty and the possibility that, if you don't tell your story, someone else might tell it for you. And they just might tell it wrong ...
Looking forward to this one. If the first couple of pages is sustained it's going to be a cracker.
My posts this week:
Review of Frozen Out by Quentin Bates
When computers fail ...
Review of Bloodland by Alan Glynn
New Aussie Kelly hero
Silence and lies
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Silence and lies
‘Where have you been?’
‘Out.’ The girl absently wraps a finger round a lock of tousled hair.
‘Out where?’ Her father stands by the fridge, trying to keep his temper in check.
She doesn’t reply, staring at a placemat.
‘It’s gone four in the morning, Sarah! We’ve been worried sick.’
‘I was at Chloe’s.’
‘No you weren’t! You were to be back at eleven.’
Sarah rolls her eyes, but stays silent. All she wants is some sleep and to forget.
‘You’re fifteen, Sarah.’
‘So you can’t just do what you want!’
She stares up at him with defiant eyes.
A drabble is a story of exactly 100 words.
‘Out.’ The girl absently wraps a finger round a lock of tousled hair.
‘Out where?’ Her father stands by the fridge, trying to keep his temper in check.
She doesn’t reply, staring at a placemat.
‘It’s gone four in the morning, Sarah! We’ve been worried sick.’
‘I was at Chloe’s.’
‘No you weren’t! You were to be back at eleven.’
Sarah rolls her eyes, but stays silent. All she wants is some sleep and to forget.
‘You’re fifteen, Sarah.’
‘So you can’t just do what you want!’
She stares up at him with defiant eyes.
A drabble is a story of exactly 100 words.
Friday, September 23, 2011
The new Aussie Kelly hero ...
Emmanuel Kelly is an Iraqi-Australian who entered the Australian version of X-Factor. His audition has gone a little bit viral and it's difficult to watch it without blubbing. Inspirational stuff, but man does it tug the heartstrings. He got to the last 12 in his category of men under 25, but not the last six and the live shows. The guy who is a mentor for that category is a bit of an idiot - the aim is to win the competition and find someone who will fill theatres and sell records, not simply find a pretty face with a voice who will disappear without trace once the competition is over. Anyway, watch with a tissue handy ...
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Review of Bloodland by Alan Glynn (Faber, 2011)

Bloodland is a political thriller. It’s connected to Glynn’s last novel, Winterland, by a couple of characters – Larry Bolger and James Vaughan, a businessman who also pulls political strings at the highest levels in the US administration. The story is ambitious in its scope, connecting together characters, business deals and incidents on three continents – Congo, Ireland, UK, Italy and the US. The focus on resource extraction, the new scramble for Africa, business and political corruption, and private security companies is fascinating, and Glynn does a good job of highlighting the various issues without it swamping the reader with details to the detriment of the plot and pace. Indeed, the plot is well constructed, linking together all the various elements and actors, and the story seemed possible and credible (often one of the problems of political thrillers). However, for me, the unfolding was a little too straightforward in that Jimmy Gilroy doesn’t seem to have to work too hard to piece things together and there’s no real sense he’s in a lot of danger until near the end. For example, there are three confessional moments in the book, which all happen with little to no prompting or fighting from Gilroy. In some ways this is necessary otherwise the book would have to be substantially longer and it’s already tying together a complex weave of strands. The effect though was to slightly underplay the potential tension, though there’s more than enough to make Bloodland a real page turner. Regardless of these observations the book is a great read – it has a nice, quick pace, Glynn’s prose is expressive and easy on the eye, there’s a good range of interesting characters, and it’s topical and informative. As political thrillers go, Bloodland is above average fare and well worth a read. I’m very much looking forward to reading the third book in the lose trilogy, Graveland, when it’s published.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011
When computers fail ...

Monday, September 19, 2011
Review of Frozen Out by Quentin Bates (Robinson, 2011)

I struggled with Frozen Out. It had all the plot and character ingredients to be a very good read, but somehow it failed to fully deliver. The principle problem for me was the credibility of the plot. There were too many things about the procedural elements and office politics of the police investigation and the political corruption and murders that I did not believe. This was not helped by the writing being quite flat and lifeless, the dialogue stilted, and the narrative long winded. There’s nothing wrong with workmanlike prose, but this could have done with a good edit to make it livelier and punchier. Gunnhildur is the novel's saving grace. She was an interesting character and has much potential for heading a series. I’d like to be a lot more positive, and the book has received more upbeat reviews elsewhere (e.g., at Eurocrime), but the book just didn’t click for me.

Sunday, September 18, 2011
Lazy Sunday Service

My posts this week
Review of The Crossing Places by Elly Griffiths
Review of The Quarry by Johan Theorin
Setting forth to Bloodland
Review of The Cleanup by Sean Doolittle
Leaving home
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Leaving home

‘Yeah, yeah. Don’t worry.’
‘And someone’s going to meet you at the airport?’
‘Ma, we’ve been through this. I’ll be fine. Gary said he knows someone who’ll be able to get us a job.’
She pulls a tight smile.
‘Look, I better go. I need to get through security.’
She steps closer and draws him into a hug. ‘Ring me, okay?’
‘Ma, you’re like a broken record.’
She pulls back, tears edging down her cheeks.
‘Look after yourself, son,’ his father says woodenly, holding out a hand. ‘Don’t get mixed up in anything stupid.’
A drabble is a story of exactly 100 words.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Review of The Cleanup by Sean Doolittle (Dell, 2006)

The Cleanup is a very competent screwball noir that is very tightly plotted. The story rattles along with plenty of twists and turns. Worth and Gwen are nicely penned, surrounded by a set of somewhat stereotypical characters. The book has all the ingredients to be a five star read, but for some reason it just didn’t quite click that way for me. I think part of the problem was it all felt a little bit done by numbers – everything fitted together too neatly and slickly – and it lacked some darkly comic turns that would have given the narrative an added lift. Also, I never really felt I was rooting for the main characters, they’re just too ordinary and plain, and Worth’s motivations are perhaps too fuzzy. There were also a couple of questions at the end that needed some elaboration. This probably sounds more negative than the book deserves. This is an enjoyable, well plotted read, it just needed a little added something to make it an exceptional one.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Setting forth to Bloodland

Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Review of The Quarry by Johan Theorin (Doubleday, 2011)

It took me quite a while to get into The Quarry. The story is quite layered and is reasonably well structured, intertwining the lives and histories of a small group of people. The strengths of the book are the characterisation, which was pretty solid, and the sense of place relating to the island and its history and myths. Whilst the plot worked okay in its own terms, I simply didn’t believe the police investigation into the fire and the subsequent death of Jerry. The police barely engaged with Per and Jerry, and seemed totally unconcerned when Jerry dies, apparently making no efforts to track down his killer. There were also some passages that I found didn’t ring true. A slow boiler of a read, which got better as it went on, but for me at least didn’t quite live up to the five star reviews I’ve seen elsewhere.

Monday, September 12, 2011
Review of The Crossing Places by Elly Griffiths (Quercus, 2009)

The real strengths of Griffiths writing is characterisation, inter-personal relationships and sense of place. Galloway and Nelson are both strong, well penned characters, with well fleshed out back stories. There’s clearly a sexual chemistry between them that Griffiths does a nice job of teasing along. And there is a colourful cast of supporting roles that are well observed. What really shines in the book though is the sense of place. Griffith places the reader very effectively in the lonely, rural landscape of the fens and the seascape of the marshes. Where the book is a little let down is with the plot. For the most part it’s fine, but personally I had a hard time believing the conclusion and it all seemed a little telegraphed. Overall, an enjoyable read and I’m looking forward to spending a bit of time with Galloway and Nelson.

Sunday, September 11, 2011
Lazy Sunday Service

My posts this week:
For a few pennies more
Blood in the gutter
Review of White Sky, Black Ice by Nathan Jones
Two by two
August reviews
Saturday, September 10, 2011
For a few pennies more

‘I’ve worked here for 33 years.’
‘I know. We’re letting 125 people go.’
‘You’re sacking us, not letting us go. What am I meant to do? I’m 52.’
‘We have organised for someone to talk to you about your options.’
‘Options? What feckin’ options! There’s half a million people on the dole. I have a wife, kids, a mortgage to pay.’
‘As I said, I’m sorry. It’s part of a global restructuring. The manufacturing operations are relocating to Romania.’
‘And sod us poor bastards for a little extra profit! I take it that you still have your job?’
A drabble is a story of exactly 100 words.
Friday, September 9, 2011
Blood in the gutter

Thursday, September 8, 2011
Review of White Sky, Black Ice by Stan Jones (Soho Crime, 1999)

The three great strengths of White Sky, Black Ice are sense of place, cultural politics and characterisation. This is very much a book of rural Alaska and of the Inupiat community and its relations amongst itself and the outside world. The landscape is richly evoked and the reader is transported to a place entering an Alaskan winter. Like Adrian Hyland’s Emily Tempest books, Jones uses the insider/outsider role of the lead character to very good effect. Nathan Active occupies a liminal space between communities. Jones uses the position to examine the nature of the Inupiat community, its various cultural practices, organization and issues. He also nicely captures the politics of resource extraction and the pressures of big business and politics on the lives of ordinary people. The plot is relatively straightforward and my guess is that the average mystery reader will have the murderer identified a long way from the end. What is very nicely done, however, is how the resolution is handled by Nathan Active given its potential ramifications to the local community. I thoroughly enjoyed the book and I’ll be reading others in the series.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Two by two
Yesterday I started a new job to add to the suite of things I'm already doing. Given the departure of the present director, I've taken over running the National Centre for Geocomputation for the foreseeable future. Somehow I've managed to double up all the major roles that I perform. I'm now director of two research institutes (the National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis being the other), chair/lead PI of two national research platforms that link research and teaching across several universities and disciplines (Irish Social Sciences Platform, International Centre for Local and Regional Development), lead PI on two national data infrastructures (All-Island Research Observatory, Irish Qualitative Data Archive/National Audio Visual Repository), editor of two international journals (Progress in Human Geography and Dialogues in Human Geography), and editor of two book series (Key Concepts in Geography/Irish Society). And there's the two blogs (the other being Ireland After NAMA). I'm not quite sure how I've managed to get myself in this odd state of affairs, but hopefully it's not going to affect my reading and reviewing. I sense that something might have to give. Hopefully not my sanity or my evenings and weekends. If things slow down on this blog, you can take a fair guess as to why. We'll see how things hold up ...
Monday, September 5, 2011
August reviews
August was a pretty good month of reading. Three five star books and two 4.5 star reads. Sweet Money by Ernesto Mallo and Winterland by Alan Glynn are both very enjoyable novels, one set in a country emerging from dark period (Argentina), the other in a country teetering on the edge of collapse (Ireland); both are riddled with politics and corruption. My book of the month though is Absolute Zero Cool by Declan Burke - a surrealist, satirical, screwball noir. It takes the crime genre, turns it inside out and spins it round until its dizzy.
Winterland by Alan Glynn *****
Down Among the Dead Men by Michelle Williams **.5
City of Bohane by Kevin Barry **.5
The Big Mango by Jake Needham***.5
Absolute Zero Cool by Declan Burke *****
Bury Me Deep by Megan Abbott ****.5
Sweet Money by Ernesto Mallo *****
The Whispers of Nemesis by Anne Zouroudi ***
The Dramatist by Ken Bruen ****.5
Winterland by Alan Glynn *****
Down Among the Dead Men by Michelle Williams **.5
City of Bohane by Kevin Barry **.5
The Big Mango by Jake Needham***.5
Absolute Zero Cool by Declan Burke *****
Bury Me Deep by Megan Abbott ****.5
Sweet Money by Ernesto Mallo *****
The Whispers of Nemesis by Anne Zouroudi ***
The Dramatist by Ken Bruen ****.5
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Lazy Sunday Service
After reading some good reviews of Asa Larsson's latest book I decided to order the first in the series from my local bookshop yesterday. I figured the first book was Sun Storm having hunted around on the Web a bit. However, Sun Storm, published in English in 2006 was out of print. In the end I went for The Savage Altar, as this seemed to be the next one published. I've just worked out that they are one and the same book. I'm not sure why they reprinted with a different title, but there we go. It's being reissued again on Sept 15th with obligatory Stieg Larsson comparison on the cover. I suspect the only two things they share are a surname and country of birth. I also ordered William Ryan's first book, The Holy Thief. Looking forward to both of them once they arrive.
My posts this week
Review of Winterland by Alan Glynn
Sometimes things work out for the best
Review of Down Among the Dead Men by Michelle Williams
In with the new ...
He's gone
My posts this week
Review of Winterland by Alan Glynn
Sometimes things work out for the best
Review of Down Among the Dead Men by Michelle Williams
In with the new ...
He's gone
Saturday, September 3, 2011
He's gone
A hot flush of realisation. He’s gone.
Her beautiful boy is gone.
Abandoning the half full trolley, she dashes to the end of the aisle, confusion blossoming into panic. It’s deserted except for an elderly woman staring at a fridge full of colourful yoghurt pots.
Running, her head swivels like a weather vane on a blustery day, calling his name. ‘John! John, darling!’
She bumps through a checkout queue, exiting onto a busy pavement. There are people everywhere, all shapes and sizes; the street a blur of movement.
‘Are you okay, Miss?’
A stomach roll of cold dread. ‘He’s gone.’
A drabble is a story of exactly 100 words.
Her beautiful boy is gone.
Abandoning the half full trolley, she dashes to the end of the aisle, confusion blossoming into panic. It’s deserted except for an elderly woman staring at a fridge full of colourful yoghurt pots.
Running, her head swivels like a weather vane on a blustery day, calling his name. ‘John! John, darling!’
She bumps through a checkout queue, exiting onto a busy pavement. There are people everywhere, all shapes and sizes; the street a blur of movement.
‘Are you okay, Miss?’
A stomach roll of cold dread. ‘He’s gone.’
A drabble is a story of exactly 100 words.
Friday, September 2, 2011
In with the new ...
I recently went through the TBR and pulled out all the new to me authors. There were 24 on the pile. I've shuffled them all to the top and intend to work my way through them. I've already reviewed Kevin Barry, Alan Glynn, Jake Needham and Michelle Williams. The review of Nathan Jones' White Sky, Black Ice is on the way and I'm halfway through Elly Griffiths' The Crossing Places. Expect reviews of the following in the coming weeks: Johan Theorin, Jim Kelly, Gerald Steinacher, China Mieville, Tom Picarelli, Deon Meyer, Robert Crais, Simon Lewis, Denise Mina, Quentin Bates, Tom Rob Smith, Michael Harvey, Quentin Jardin, Alan Gutherie, Sean Doolittle, Alex Dryden, Zygmut Miloszewski and Matt Joensuu. Yeah, I know, how have I managed to miss some of these to date? Soon to be rectified. I might skip out to read a book by a favourite author, but the plan is to read the books by these authors between now and the end of the year.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Review of Down Among the Dead Men: A Year in the Life of a Mortuary Technician by Michelle Williams (Constable, 2010)

Down Among the Dead Men is a curious read. Some of it is fascinating, especially the various stories relating to the different deaths, the work of the mortuary team, and their interrelationships. Some of it is mundane and lacking in any real depth or insight, mostly relating to Williams’ home life. The writing in general is weak and flat and lacking spark, humour, meaningful reflexivity and some contextual history relating to mortuary business. The narrative feels more like a stream of structured anecdotes rather than crafted story telling. Indeed, this is a long way from autobiographical yarns of James Herriott or Gerald Durrell. The cover quote states: ‘What is it like to work in a mortuary? Nothing like you’d expect, actually ...’ Actually, it was exactly like I expected and there are no great insights revealed by the book. Overall, the fascinating stuff just about saves the book, but it could have been so much more in the hands of a skilled ghost writer.

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