Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Chicago haul

I'm pretty much locked up in a set of hotels attending a conference, but I have managed to spend a pleasant morning wandering round Chicago and browsing through a couple of bookshops.  And, as usual, the suitcase will have a bit more weight for the journey home.  So far I have bought:

The Devil in the White City by Erik Larson (which I've made a start on)
How the Hippies Saved Physics by David Kaiser
The Alchemy of Air by Thomas Hager
The Woman Who Died A Lot by Jasper Fforde

I suspect they'll be more added to the pile by the weekend.


pattinase (abbott) said...

Erik Larson will be here next week to speak at an event with Megan. I loved that book-it really showed how several events could be combined to make a real page-turner.

Anonymous said...

Enjoy the Larson! I did.
BTW, I have just started a new blog (Crimes in the Library) where I will be chatting about crime-detective-mystery fiction. I hope you will stop by every now and then. My first posting today includes a couple of questions. Perhaps you will offer some answers. So, the door is open, the chairs are comfortable, and the coffee is hot in the Library. Drop by anytime!

Rob Kitchin said...

Patti, enjoying it so far. Fascinating stuff.

Thanks, Robert, will pop by to check it out.