Saturday, March 13, 2021

Does she hate us that much?

‘You’ve found her?’

‘Can I come in, Mrs Cale?’

‘Of course. Is she …’

Sergeant Lowe allowed himself to be ushered into the sitting room.

Mr Cale kept his gaze on the television.

‘Sit, sit. Do you want tea? Coffee?’

‘I’m fine. You’d better take a seat.’

‘She’s …’

‘Alive. She’s a witness. That’s how we …’

‘Oh. Oh, thank god,’ Mrs Cale started to weep.

‘She said to say that she’s fine.’

‘But she’s coming home?’

‘Not yet. She … It’s her choice. We have to respect that.’

‘But …’

‘I’m sorry.’


‘Does she hate us that much?’

A drabble is a story of exactly 100 words.

1 comment:

Margot Kinberg said...

This one really captures it, Rob. It makes me wonder a lot about that family, and I wonder how the cop must feel.. Well done