I was walking across campus this evening, trailing behind two young students flirting with each other. The man was wearing low rider jeans with no belt that kept slipping down to reveal multi-coloured underpants. The woman was wearing a short skirt over black tights. The skirt kept riding up her hips to reveal her tight-clad knickers. Every few yards he pulled up his trousers and she tugged down her skirt. It was one of those scenes where you feel you've entered a comedy sketch. What they needed to do was walk with their arms around each other, her hand holding his trousers up, his hand holding her skirt down. As I caught up and passed them, I heard one line of their conversation, said by him: "I do bad things, but I'm not a bad man". There's probably the hook of a short story there. Maybe I'll get round to using it sometime.
Rob - Oh, I do like that hook. Thanks for sharing.
that's priceless
and a good insight into how you writers get your inspiration
I want that story, Rob.
That sounds rife for a flash fiction challenge, Rob.
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