Sunday, July 15, 2012

Lazy Sunday Service

It's relatively rare that I'll read two books at the same time, even rarer that I would manage to misplace both of them.  Yet that's precisely what I've done with Bad Traffic by Simon Lewis and The Barbed Wire University by Midge Gillies.  I know where I've left them, so it's just a matter of collecting them on Tuesday and picking up where I left off.  In the meantime, I've made a start on Shaman's Pass by Stan Jones, catching up with Trooper Nathan Active in a very chilly Alaska (much like Irish summers, well almost).

On other news, I'm into the home stretch of completing my share of the Oxford Dictionary of Human Geography.  I'm down to the final twenty entries of my 685 allocation.  Unfortunately, the remainder are all longer, 750 word pieces.  Still, two more weeks and I should have a complete set of first drafts.  Then onto editing my own and my co-author's entries.  The end is almost in sight.  Thankfully.

My posts this week:
Review of Silesian Station by David Downing
Can vacant housing solve the social housing waiting list?
Review of Black Skies by Arnaldur Indridason
Review of The Envoy by Edward Wilson
Desperately seeking ...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rob - Oh, that's so frustrating to leave behind a book one's reading. I've done that and it's annoying. I'm glad at least that you didn't completely lose Bad Traffic and The Barbed Wire University. I'll be interested to see what you think of them when you're finished.