Saturday, September 22, 2018

It didn't mean anything

Kirsty bounded into the kitchen.

‘Where have you been?’ Gary asked.

‘I was at Tracey’s.’

‘I rang Tracey. You left around midnight.’

‘I went clubbing.’


‘I went to a party.’

‘I’ll move my things out later.’

Gary got up from the table and left the room.

‘Gary!’ Kirsty bustled after him.

‘We were meant to be engaged.’

‘We are!’

‘No, we’re not. Who was he this time?’

‘He was; it was just …’

‘It obviously meant more to me than it did to you.’

‘It didn’t mean anything.’

‘Yes, it did.’


‘Don’t try to blame this on me.’

A drabble is a story of exactly 100 words.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, talk about your different perspectives on relationships, Rob! And you say a lot about the relationship with just these few words. Well done