Earlier in the summer I was invited to give the Taaffe Lecture in Ohio State University in Columbus in early October. The list of past speakers is impressive so I was honoured to be asked and chuffed to be bracketed in that selection. I’m going to have to up my game to meet expectations. I’m doubling the trip up and also giving a talk at the University of Kentucky in Lexington. When I travel, I like to try and source some local fiction. I usually travel light and pick up a load of books in the local stores. I thought I’d try and prepare in advance this time. For any order to arrive before I cross the Atlantic I’ll probably need to order pretty soon.
So, can anybody recommend any crime fiction set in Ohio
(preferably Columbus) and/or Kentucky (preferably Lexington)? Any suggestions will be gratefully received.
You lucky man.
I spent about a month in Kentucky several years ago and it is beautiful. Try and see the Red River Gorge, Daniel Boone National Forest, Bardstown, the Shaker Village at Pleasant Hill near Harrodsburg, and the superb horses all within a short drive of Lexington.
At the time I was too busy buying history books about the Civil War and Abraham Lincoln to look for local crime fiction. I think there is acrime fiction series set in a Shaker village but can't remember the title Sister something. Not very helpful.
Hey, Rob:
Both Michael Koryta's Lincoln Perry P.I. series and Les Roberts' Milan Jancovich series are set in Cleveland, Ohio. And some of Barbara Taylor McCafferty's cozies are set in Kentucky.
You might check the Web site WhereDunnit for more information along these lines:
Uriah, its a flying visit - in on the Sunday, 3 days in Columbus with a pretty packed schedule, 2 days Kentucky and home. It would be great to look round more but I have teaching commitments at home. Jeff thanks for that link, very useful. I've added 5 books to my basket so far.
Jerry Holt - The Death of Strangers
Jonathan Valin - The Lime Pit
Michael Koryta - Tonight I said Goodbye
Les Roberts - The Irish Sports Pages
Lynn Hightower - Satan's Lambs
Other recommendations welcome.
Ah yes, THE LIME PIT. An excellent novel by Jonathan Valin, who seems to have given up writing novels. THE LIME PIT is a book I ought to read again myself sometime soon.
Rob, do you know about Karin Slaughter (great name). Sorry if she is an obvious suggestion, but I heard an interview with her last night on NPR's Between the Lines with Valerie Jackson. I'm not a great reader of crime fiction but it sounded like she was popular, and sets a lot of her books in the American South.
Valerie Jackson by the way is the widow of former Atlanta Mayor Maynard Jackson, the city's first black mayor, gave his name to the Atlanta airport etc.
Slaughter sounded interesting on the interview, with comments about how the South is perceived both by Americans and Europeans, where she apparently sells well. So if you have a rec. I might pop out to Borders and see what they have.
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