Tollesbury Time Forever is a curious book. It took me quite a bit of time to get into it. The first half, whilst nicely written, is as confusing for the reader as it is for Simon Gregory. As a reader, you just have to go with the flow, enjoy the prose and scenes, and trust that Aylis knows what he’s doing. The second half jolts into something a lot more concrete and the power and cleverness of the book is revealed. I don’t really want to discuss specifics because it’ll spoil the read for others, but needless to say, Aylis performs a lovely sleight of hand. Where the book excels is in the affective response it creates for its readers in response to Simon’s journey. This would not usually be my kind of book. I struggled slightly with the first half, but I’m glad I stuck with it. A book that makes you think and reflect on life.

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