The Song of the Sea
It had been five days since the yacht had capsized. Five days in an orange bubble being tossed around on boiling waves, tumbling and spinning in a drunken dance. Five days listening to the song of the sea. The pitter-patter of spray and the thwack of waves against nylon and rubber, the crash of mountains of water greeting each other or tumbling in on themselves, the howl of the wind whipping and spinning in the troughs, his own groans and the dry heaves of sea sickness. And every now and then a haunting lullaby calling to him from the deep.
The easier to read one (on the right).
RHS also
I prefer the LHS, though, Rob.
Rob - What a great idea to put your Drabbles together like that. I like the cover on the LHS better, but both are great.
Can I vote?! I slightly lean to the left myself. And I don't just mean politically. I like the organic flow.
I like the one on the right a little better but both are good.
Left edges it for me
Lovely! Methinks serifs are required - so I vote right.
Hmmmm, 4 votes for LHS, 4 for RHS and I'm still undecided. Thanks for letting me know what you think. I'm going to mull it over over the weekend and then give JT a decision. And sorry for the tardiness responding - I'm at a workshop on smart cities that has no wifi (I suspect quite strategically to make sure we don't want off onto virtual terrain).
I like RHS, because I like the font. But both are very nice.
I like RHS, too. Very tough choice. You can't go wrong with a JT cover, though.
I like the LHS best.
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