Sunday, May 29, 2022

Your room's as you left it

 Rocco stood in the doorway. ‘It’s you.’

‘It’s me,’ Ellie replied.

‘She’s got a new man.’

‘I guess so.’

‘She didn’t even introduce you?’

‘She just left a note. Go to Uncle Rocco’s.’

‘That was it?’

‘She left a fifty euro note.’

‘You better come in.’

Rocco widened the gap.

‘Your room’s as you left it.’


‘Who is it?’ a male voice shouted from upstairs.


‘Welcome back, dear.’

She padded up the stairs, Rocco trailing behind.

‘Maybe we should just adopt her.’

‘Would two fathers be better than one hopeless mother?’

‘Do I have to choose?’ Ellie asked.

A drabble is a story of exactly 100 words.

1 comment:

Margot Kinberg said...

I really like the mental imagery here, Rob. And with that sort of a setup, you could take this in more than one direction; I know I'd like to know what happens next. Well done.