Sunday, January 29, 2012

Lazy Sunday Service

As with Facebook, I've taken the plunge on Twitter (@RobKitchin). In the end I've needed to do both to access content that I wanted to see and contribute to. I'm not one for dormant accounts, so I'll try to post regularly on both. Last week was incredibly busy. It ended with a conference on Irish economic policy. After my talk I was collared by The Irish Times and asked to present the whole talk again but in five minutes without notes or slides. The result is below.

I started to list the short stories I'd read during the week in this weekly post, but I'm going to do another regular spot for those on a Monday from now on.

My posts this week:
Review of The Eighty Five Billion Euro Man by Donal Conaty
Collapse of the Celtic Tiger
Housing affordability in Ireland
Into the lion's den
Review of The Dead Detective by William Heffernan
How about paying the Anglo bondholders with a €1.4 billion house?Link
Whiskey and tears

1 comment:

seana graham said...

Gloomy news, but well presented.