Friday, January 29, 2010
White Dog

Thursday, January 28, 2010
Classic crime fiction curriculum challenge

The challenge is to imagine a reader new to crime fiction who wants an education in the classics. A curriculum is needed - a list of ten must-read crime fiction classics, published pre-1970. Either post the list on your own blog and send me the link (rob.kitchin@nuim.ie), or post the list in a comment to this post by January 31st. I’ll then compile a curriculum based on the most popular choices (and provide link-backs to posts). Ideally, the selection of books needs to try and capture different crime fiction sub-genres and styles.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
And on it goes ...
Some of my work was in the national broadsheets (here and here) and tabloids this morning and the phone has been hopping all day. Just about every local radio station has been after an interview. We had to put a media strategy in place, redirecting everything to the university press office. It's a while since I read less than 10 pages a day of a novel, but I haven't for the past two days. Expect a delay in the next review as I'm also busy trying to edit The White Gallows. I'm hoping things will calm down a little tomorrow and I can get back to catching up on other work and blogging about more crime novel related stuff. Normal service will resume, at some point ...
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Rollercoaster ride ...
Well Frontline went so-so. A fascinating experience just seeing how the whole thing works. The people working on the show were very well prepped and informed about the debate, although the show itself was probably a bit to bitty, touching on things but not delving enough into them. I was moved off the panel and into the centre of the front row. I was a little disappointed about that, but was happy to live with it. Apparently it was for two reasons. First, the presenter wanted to come to me early on and he doesn't go to the panel until a few minutes into the programme, and second to try and get some debate between the audience and the panel. It took me an age to get the make-up off that they insisted I wear. I'm back in the broadsheets and on national radio tomorrow. A strange little rollercoaster that's absorbing a phenomenal amount of time.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Review of Dead Set by Kel Robertson (Text Publishing, 2009)

I thought the first half of Dead Set was a terrific read. The characters are well introduced, the police procedural elements are well handled, and the story just flies along. Robertson’s writing has a nice balance between dialogue and description, and whilst quite functional in style, it’s engaging to read. Chen is intriguing character with his sardonic wit, selective approach to procedure and various vulnerabilities. The second half of the book tails away a little and I

Sunday, January 24, 2010
Lazy Sunday Service

My posts this week:
- Old Dogs and the adjusting of underwear
- An estimate of vacant housing in Ireland
- First festival invite
- A viral post
- Housing vacancy update
- Review of Up in Honey's Room by Elmore Leonard
- County vacancy rates
- McEvoy rides again ...
- NAMA and ghost estates
- Lost books
- An estimation of housing oversupply 2006-09 by county
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Lost books

Friday, January 22, 2010
McEvoy rides again …

On the viral post front, I’m not sure how many papers have ended up covering the story but a fair few and I’ve also done a couple of radio interviews. I’ve also been asked to appear on the Frontline tv programme on Monday night on the national broadcaster. It’s a political/topical concerns programme that is broadcast live. The format is a small panel who are interviewed by the presenter, field questions with an audience and engage in a debate with them. I suspect the fact that it’s live will greatly increase the probability that I will put my foot right in it. However it goes, I’m sure it’ll be an interesting experience.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Review of Up in Honey’s Room by Elmore Leonard (William Morris, 2007)

I’ve read a number of Elmore Leonard books and enjoyed them, which is why Up in Honey’s Room skipped to the top of my to read pile. Unfortunately I found it a disappointing read. The characters are too clichéd and stereotypical, with little depth to them, and the story lacked a strong plotline, meandering around without purpose and credibility. Leonard specializes in kooky characters and a fun narrative, and the reader expects to give a bit of latitude to implausible action, but too many times I found myself thinking, ‘this makes no sense’. What partially saves the book is Leonard’s undoubted writing ability – his prose and ability to express dialogue. I’ll still pick up and read other Leonard offerings, but this one felt like it was weakly treading water.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010
A viral post

Tuesday, January 19, 2010
First festival invite

Monday, January 18, 2010
Old Dogs and the adjusting of underwear
Barry Sheenan looked at the diamonds sparkling around the wrinkled throat of the woman in front of him and surreptitiously adjusted his y-fronts. Wealth gave him a hard-on and these two old bags were dripping with it. It wasn't so much the wealth itself, as the idea of separating it from its owners. In this case, La Contessa Letitzia di Ponzo and her sister Signora Teodora Grisiola, according to the gold-embossed card the Contessa has pressed into hand. He held it between his thumb and index finger and transferred it easily from finger to finger and back again. It even felt luxurious and rich, passing through his fingers like silk.
I would make some crack along the lines of, 'I'm so excited to be sent this book, I've had to surreptiously adjust my y-fronts', but those kind of gags are much better left to those that can actually deliver a line. If Old Dogs follows in the footsteps of Ms Moore's last outing, Go To Helena Handbasket, it'll be full of puns, double entendres, silly gags, comic mayhem and a joy to read.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
The Lazy Sunday Service

My posts this week:
- Review of Shinjuku Shark by Arimasa Osawa
- Further decline in the construction, manufacturing and services sectors
- Two short of a full set
- Identifying under-construction housing estates
- Review of Via Delle Oche by Carlo Lucarelli
- Shelf life?
- Cross-border traffic flows
- Forgotten Friday: The Pigeon Fugitive by Donald Westlake
- If you want to write a bestselling crime novel forget about artistic merit?
Saturday, January 16, 2010
If you want to write a bestselling crime novel forget about artisitic merit?

"Three years ago a novel 'written' by Katie Price outsold the entire Man Booker prize shortlist. This year's X Factor winner has sold a gargantuan amount of singles compared with the paltry amount of albums sold by Speech Debelle, last year's Mercury Prize winner. ... There is an enormous chasm between music of 'artistic merit' and stuff that actually sells by the truckload."
I'm wondering to what extent do people think this is the same with contemporary crime fiction - are there on the one hand a set of novels of relatively poor quality that sell by the truckload (along with a couple of very good books that sell in large quantities) and on the other books of great 'artistic merit' that are appreciated by a small group of aficionados but sell by the wheelbarrow load? Glen Harper over at International Noir, posting this week, seems to think there is some merits in the argument. He stated, "but then it seems that bad writing (see Dan Brown and many others) is a requirement of bestsellerdon." What do you think? If you want to write a bestselling crime novel forget about artisitic merit?
Also in the Irish Times was a review that made me wince. "If the Americans are to be believed, All About Steve is the cinematic equivalent of genital sandblasting". Ouch!
Friday, January 15, 2010
Forgotten Friday: Review of The Fugitive Pigeon by Donald Westlake (Mysterious Press, 1965)

Thursday, January 14, 2010
Shelf Life?

Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Review of Via Delle Oche by Carlo Lucarelli, translated by Michael Reynolds, Europa Editions (2008, in Italian in 1990)

As with the previous two books, Via Delle Oche is a short book (133 pages), but unlike the previous two, I didn’t feel the story was so under-developed, although it could have benefited from some fleshing out in places. De Luca is a complex, conflicted character and the story captures the atmosphere, politics and corruption of a country in turmoil. I am particularly taken with Lucarelli’s storytelling which focuses on what the characters say and do, with little thick description or the use of metaphors or similes. Rather than being dull and lifeless, Lucarelli’s prose is rich and the story races along. I’m not sure if Lucarelli has plans for any other De Luca novels, but I’d certainly welcome them and I’ll be checking out his other translated fiction. The production values on the books is excellent and I love the covers. A fine piece of writing and a satisfying end to the trilogy.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Two short of a full set

The magazines are much richer in detail than I imagined they would be, with detailed maps and commentary along with dozens of photos and war artist pictures in each issue. Exactly 70 years this week, Issue 19 (right) concentrated on the Soviet attacks on the Finnish (the Soviets are the enemy, a situation reversed later in the war, and in the final stages the Finns swapped to the allies side), the pace of British shipbuilding, pictures of the Graf Spee sinking off of Montevideo's harbour, the terrible things the Nazis were doing in Czechoslovakia and Poland, the value of horses to the war effort, and a dozen other small stories. Collectively the issues are a fantastic resource and one day I hope to put them to use. For the time being I'm just content to browse and learn and try and locate those two missing issues.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Review of Shinjuku Shark by Arimasa Osawa, translated by Andrew Clare (Vertical, 2007 [1990])

Shinjuku Shark is the first novel in the bestselling Japanese crime series and winner of the Japan Mystery Writers Association Award. Over his career Arimasa Osawa has won numerous prizes and his writing has been adapted for the big and small screen. The back of the book blurb states, “Prepare for a relentless journey of suspenseful twists and turns that will leave you breathless.” Given all the plaudits I was expecting a terrific read. Unfortunately the book did not leave me in a state of suspense or breathless. The story is relatively straightforward, Samejima is a

Sunday, January 10, 2010
The Lazy Sunday Service

Crime Scraps
Reactions to Reading
El juego está en marcha
DJ's Krimiblog
Mike Dennis
At the Villa Rose
Thanks to all those who have taken part. Please keep them coming!
My other posts this week were:
My reviews of 2009
Review of The Last Good Kiss by James Crumley
International comparison of unemployment data
Most popular posts of 2009
Review of Isle of Joy by Don Winslow
Export the model, export the solution?
Book Bonanza
Northern Ireland entering the 'twilight zone'
Saturday snippet: The Wheelman by Duane Swierczynski
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Saturday Snippet: The Wheelman by Duane Swierczynski

'Okay, you're officially sprung. You can cut the shit and start talking.'
Oh Jesus. Here we go again.
'Look, you mick bastard, I know you can speak. I heard you. Right before you blew up my fucking house. You said something about arseholes. Which I really fucking love. The extra 'r' in the there. Why not just say asshole? No fucking idea.'
Lennon, of course, said nothing. He couldn't. Not that this cop would understand that. Just let him keep flapping his gums. It was more time to figure out a next move.
'Still the tough guy, eh? Look, really, cut it the fuck out. We need each other, otherwise you wouldn't even be here. Here's the deal. I'm taking us to my hotel room. Now don't get that look on your face. I'm not a fag. You're not my type, anyway. I like men who can moan when I fuck them up the ass. Most you could do is scratch the mattress. And frankly, that wouldn't do it for me. It's all about the audio.'
The white lane markers whizzed by at seventy miles an hour.
'Christ, your a humorless fuck.'
Lennon saw the city receding behind him and realized they were headed north. Or northeast. To the northeast. Where this ex-cop used to live.
Great stuff. My review is here.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Book Bonanza
Loren Estleman (14), Bill Pronzini (10), Donald Westlake* (8), Raymond Chandler* (5), James Cain* (5), Sapper (5), Cornell Woodrich* (4), Patricia Highsmith* (4), Lawrence Block (4), Parnell Hall (4), Howard Browne (3), Max Byrd (3), Joe Gores (3), Ngaio Marsh* (3), Richard Stark (3), G.M. Ford (3), Arthur Lyons (3), Ian Sansom (3), Mickey Spillane* (3), K.C. Constantine (3), Edna Buchanan (3), Dashiell Hammett* (2), Bill Ballinger (2), Peter Robinson (2), Jim Butcher (2), Roy Hart (2), Dominick Dunne (2), John Le Carre (2), Tucker Coe (2), Kinky Friedman (2), Sarah Shankman (2), James Swain (2), Christopher Newman (2), Ed Gorman, Helen Chappell, Martin Short, Dorothy Hughes*, Paula Gosling, T. Jefferson Parker, Anthony Bruno, Sparkle Hayter, John Lutz, Dorothy Sayers*, Wilkie Collins*, Kenneth Fearing, Ellery Queen*, Josephine Tey*, Alfred Hitchcock.
Well that lot, plus the 30 plus books I already have in TBR pile, should keep me going for a while!
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Review of Isle of Joy by Don Winslow (Arrow, 1996)

Winslow is one of those rare writers that is relatively sparse with prose and yet fully visualises a scene in the mind of the reader. His characters are fully formed, complex, engaging, and have emotional depth. The dialogue is realistic and pitch perfect. The balance between story and back story is just right. And the historical context of McCarthy/Hoover era 1958 is well judged. The Keneallys – the womanising Joe, the protective Jimmy, and the beautiful Madeline, are well realised mimics of the Jack, Bob and Jackie Kennedy, which gives most of the story its seeming authenticity. I loved everything about this book except for the end, which spiralled to the farcical. Winslow tries to take every character in the book and weave them into a sequence which was largely unnecessary except as a narrative device and became more and more improbable. For me this was a shame, as Winslow is undoubtedly a very fine writer and the Isle of Joy was for the main a great read.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Classic crime fiction curriculum challenge

Imagine a reader new to crime fiction and wanting an education in the classics. Or consider a seasoned crime fiction reader who’s barely read a crime novel published prior to 1970. Well I’m that latter reader. I’ve read several hundred crime novels but nearly all of them are from the contemporary period. This is the year I intend to right that by reading some of the crime fiction canon. What I need though is a curriculum - a list of ten must-read crime fiction classics.
And this is where I need some help. So to that end I’m setting up a relatively straightforward challenge, one that doesn't even require any reading. The challenge is to set a ten book, pre-1970, crime fiction curriculum and to either post the list on your own blog and send me the link (rob.kitchin@nuim.ie), or post the list in a comment to this post by January 31st. I’ll then compile a curriculum based on the most popular choices (and provide link-backs to posts). Ideally, the selection of books needs to try and capture different crime fiction sub-genres and styles.
I hope you can help out, as I could do with the education. And please pass this challenge on to whoever you think might be able to advise. And if you do read any golden oldies this year, then Patti's Forgotten Friday series is the place to link your reviews to.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Most popular posts of 2009
I thought I'd take a look at the blog's traffic since its inception in July until the end of 2009 and find out which posts were the most popular (beyond the top level; and I don't have a clue how many people are reading in a reader). Overall visitor traffic is remarkably flat, with a few spikes.
The spike towards the end is my recent Blogs of the Year post which, thanks to a plug on The Rap Sheet, attracted quite a few visitors. Up until then, my most popular post on any single day had been my review of Go to Helena Handbasket by Donna Moore. The most popular individual posts of the year across the whole period were:
Review posts
1. The Lime Pit by Jonathan Valin
2. Go to Helena Handbasket by Donna Moore
3. The Devil's Star by Jo Nesbo
4. Black Out by John Lawton
5. The Killing of Strangers by Jerry Holt
6. The Small Back Room by Nigel Balchin
7. The Tin Roof Blowdown by James Lee Burke
8. The Builders by frank McDonald and Kathy Sheridan
9. Harold Shipman: Prescription for Murder by Brian Whittle and Jean Ritchie
10. Inspector Mallon by Donal McCracken
General posts
1. Blogs of the Year
2. The monster arrives
3. Pre-order splurge
4. Necessary evil?
5. Putting cartography back on the map
6. Back to square one
7. I don't remember
8. Ohio-Kentucky crime fiction
9. The lazy Sunday service (6th Sept)
10. Rethinking maps
Overall, the general posts received more visits than the reviews, which surprises me. And of the reviews, only Go to Helena Handbasket is one of my books of the year. Having kept an eye on traffic I am still completely clueless as to what posts will and won't attract interest, which is probably no bad thing. Thanks to everyone who has stopped by in 2009 and became a tiny bit of the blue line above.

Review posts
1. The Lime Pit by Jonathan Valin
2. Go to Helena Handbasket by Donna Moore
3. The Devil's Star by Jo Nesbo
4. Black Out by John Lawton
5. The Killing of Strangers by Jerry Holt
6. The Small Back Room by Nigel Balchin
7. The Tin Roof Blowdown by James Lee Burke
8. The Builders by frank McDonald and Kathy Sheridan
9. Harold Shipman: Prescription for Murder by Brian Whittle and Jean Ritchie
10. Inspector Mallon by Donal McCracken
General posts
1. Blogs of the Year
2. The monster arrives
3. Pre-order splurge
4. Necessary evil?
5. Putting cartography back on the map
6. Back to square one
7. I don't remember
8. Ohio-Kentucky crime fiction
9. The lazy Sunday service (6th Sept)
10. Rethinking maps
Overall, the general posts received more visits than the reviews, which surprises me. And of the reviews, only Go to Helena Handbasket is one of my books of the year. Having kept an eye on traffic I am still completely clueless as to what posts will and won't attract interest, which is probably no bad thing. Thanks to everyone who has stopped by in 2009 and became a tiny bit of the blue line above.
Monday, January 4, 2010
Review of The Last Good Kiss by James Crumley (Vintage Crime, 1978)

For almost two thirds of The Last Good Kiss I wondered if the story was going to go anywhere. It was a pleasant enough read - the characters were well drawn and engaging, the dialogue snappy and authentic, and the prose taut and lyrical, but the story meandered around, seemingly without purpose. Then the subtle interweaving of the various strands started to become apparent and the narrative shifted gear as the clever plotting worked its way out. And the ending was from the top drawer with a sucker punch to die for. Whilst Crumley uses the wide vistas of the western states as the backdrop, the story focuses on just a handful of characters and their inter-relationships, and this is what he’s particularly good at exploring

Sunday, January 3, 2010
My reviews of 2009

Five star
Alone in Berlin by Hans Fallada
Diamond Dove by Adrian Hyland
Fifty Grand by Adrian McKinty

Go to Helena Handbasket by Donna Moore
Harold Shipman: Prescription for Murder by Brian Whittle and Jean Ritchie
The Foreign Correspondence by Alan Furst
The Collaborator of Bethlehem by Matt Beynon Rees
The Wheelman by Duane Swierczynski
Walking the Perfect Square by Reed Farrel Coleman
Winter's Bone by Daniel Woodrell
Four star
The Twelve by Stuart Neville

The Unbearable Lightness of Being in Aberystwyth by Malcolm Pryce
Before the Deluge by Otto Friedrich
Carte Blanche by Carlo Lucarelli
M*A*S*H by Richard Hooker
Winter Frost by R.D. Wingfield
Black Out by John Lawton
The Shape of Water by Andrea Camilleri
The Price of Darkness by Graham Hurley
'Rommel?' 'Gunner Who?' by Spike Milligan
Queenpin by Megan Abbott
Disco for the Departed by Colin Cotterill
The Lime Pit by Jonathan Valin

Unseen Academicals by Terry Pratchett
The Devil Met a Lady by Stuart Kaminsky
The Rabbit Factory by Marshall Karp
The Small Back Room by Nigel Balchin
If the Dead Rise Not by Philip Kerr
Dirty Sweet by John McFetridge
Calumet City by Charlie Newton
Ship of Fools by Fintan O'Toole
Frost at Christmas by R.D. Wingfield
Three star
The Devil's Star by Jo Nesbo

Dark Times in the City by Gene Kerrigan
August Heat by Andrea Camilleri
Black Delta Night by Jessica Speart
Last Rituals by Yrsa Sigurdardottir
Inspector Mallon by Donal McCracken
Stop Me by Richard Jay Parker
Bombs over Dublin by Sean McMahon
The Last Llanelli Train by Robert Lewis
Death in Breslau by Marek Krajewski
Zoo Station by David Downing
The Reapers by John Connolly
The Damned Season by Carlo Lucarelli

A Trace of Smoke by Rebecca Cantrell
All the Colours of the Town by Liam McIlvanney
Satan's Lambs by Lynn Hightower
The Irish Sports Pages by Les Roberts
Mrs D'Silva Detective Instincts and the Shaitan of Calcutta by Glen Peters
Death of a Red Heroine by Qui Xiaolong
The Builders by Frank McDonald and Kathy Sheridan
Banksters by David Murphy and Martina Devlin
The Build Up by Philip Gwynne
Stiff by Shane Maloney
The Yiddish Policemen's Union by Michael Chabon

Two star
The Tin Roof Blowdown by James Lee Burke
The Killing of Strangers by Jerry Holt
Rubble by Jeff Byles
The Herring Seller's Apprentice by L.C. Tyler
Saturday, January 2, 2010
December reviews

Diamond Dove by Adrian Hyland *****
Banksters by David Murphy and Martina Devlin ***
The Build Up by Philip Gwynne ***
The Wheelman by Duane Swierczynski *****
Calumet City by Charlie Newton ****
Ship of Fools by Fintan O'Toole ****
Stiff by Shane Maloney ***
The Herring Seller's Apprentice by L.C. Tyler **
Frost at Christmas by R.D. Wingfield ****
Friday, January 1, 2010
Best crime novel reads, 2009

Here are my top ten reads of 2009 (from when I started my blog reviews in July), only three of which were published in 2009.
1. Alone in Berlin by Hans Fallada (1947 in German, translated 2009)
2. Winter's Bone by Daniel Woodrell (2006)
3. Diamond Dove by Adrian Hyland (2006)
4. The Collaborator of Bethlehem by Matt Beynon Rees (2007)
5. The Wheelman by Duane Swierczynski (2005)
6. The Foreign Correspondence by Alan Furst (2006)
7. Fifty Grand by Adrian McKinty (2009)
8. Walking the Perfect Square by Reed Farrel Coleman (2002)
9. Go to Helena Handbasket by Donna Moore (2006)
10. The Twelve by Stuart Neville (2009)
I'll be submitting these to Kerrie over at Mysteries in Paradise who is running her annual collection of best crime reads, 2009 (nominated books do not have to be published in 2009). To participate click here.
Alone in Berlin was the stand out book for me; an astonishing novel first published in German in 1947. A book I've recommended to many people.
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