

Short Stories

638 Steps
A Black Feather
Bloody Idiot
Boxing Dumb
Cassanova Succumbs to Two Ton Tina
Cutting Loose
Death of Me
Does Sparky want another sausage?
Infrared Dead 
It's a Dog's Life
King Canute
Nearly Extinct
On a High Wire
Preparing the Lure 
Scattered to the four winds
Spirit of Fear
Sweet Dreams
Target Practice 
The case of the strange white van
The El up Ninth Avenue
The Snake House
To cut a long story short
Two men get thrown out of a bar
Trust and Fear
You Raise Me Up


My first 100 drabbles are collected together into a free to download book, The Song of the Sea.  Available here.  Below are links to all the drabbles published on the blog.

A bad start to the day
A bit part in her life
A blank page and a blinking cursor
A coming storm? A couple of Lemsip
A deadly descent?
A flowing tideA friend
A front seat view across the valley
A good death
A handful of bullets
A hint of death
A journey under the skin
A leap to the West
A life, not a life sentence
A little encouragement
A long, lonely night in the desert
A matter of time
A murder in Iceland
A murder in Venice
A murderous affair?
A seed of doubt
A singular venture?
A thin slither of hope
After the storm
Alive and kicking
All he wanted was a Tahini steak and falafel
All I can hear is the wind, the rain, and you whispering loudly
All sins require justice
Always ruining everything
Always running
An ambush in the mountains
An empty house
An honest man?
And half of nothing is?
Are you going to ask?
At last
A foggy night
A greater good
A hole in the head
A ship without a rudder
A slither of hope
A stranger
A tiny hand
Bad ball
Battle of wits
Beauty and the Beast
Because ...
Before it's too late
Before the reckoning
Before the school run
Behind the water tank
Beneath the ice
Better than messing up 
Big mouth
Bishop to G3
Blind slave
Blood pumping quick
Blowing hot and cold
Bones and cartilage
Both too old for this
Box room
Breaker's yard
Brief encounter
Bulldog Salts
Buried treasure
But it's your dream
But what about our flight?
Called from the path
Calling time
Can I go home now
Can you smell smoke?
Cancelling Christmas
Can't live without shoes
Carpetbagger blues
Caught in a trap
Cha cha cha
Changing channels
Changing paths
Chasing ghosts
Clearing rubble
Cleaving in two
Closing down sale
Cold feet
Collecting failed dates
Comfortable love
Coupe de grace
Cross-eyed and tired
Cursing is a kind of praying
Cutting turf
Dead and gone
Dead ends 
Dead every which way
Defending home
Definitely worthy of a snack
Desperately seeking ...
Disease without a cure
Don't think of it as a test
Double or quits
Doubly dangerous
Dreaming of being structurally sound
Dry land
Dying for a dare
Due process
Dust and moonshine
Ear ache
Easy, girl
Empty promises
End of the world party
Exit strategy
Eve to the power of infinity
Everything that you do is you
Eye trouble 
Failing forward
Fallen behind
Fall-guy witness
Fast car
Fearing rejection
Fifty shades of black and blue
Fighting fires
Final notice
Finders keepers
First at the scene
Flash mob robbery
Flight of the living dead
For a few brief moments everything was okay
For a few pennies more
Forget the plane
Forgotten in his own life time
Forty minutes to transfer terminals
From the ground
From the tree
Front grill
Generally being the operative word
Get away from me with that twig
Golden goose
Gone fishing
Got a light, mate?
Guangzhou heist
Guarantees and promises
Gut instinct
Gutter and stars
He axed for it  
He confessed
He thinks he's a writer like Alan Bennett
He was asking for it
He was here
He was our child
Heart of stone
He'll be coming down the mountain
He'll walk again?
He's gone
Head like a shattered windscreen
Heading to Pearl Harbour 
Her head had no room 
Her last hope
Him, not me
Hold him steady
Holy cow
Home but lost
Home run
Home to vote
Home truths
House call
How’s she meant to know?
I am. I was. I will be.
I can barely breath, let alone run
I can't confess to what I don't remember
I didn't kill her
I have a confession
I have to know 
I know you're not the answer
I told him it was over
I want more before I die
I want sanity
I want to tango
I was nine when I killed for the first time
Idiot boy
Idiot love
If we find her alive, I'll kill her myself
If you could see the future
Il était Charlie
I'm meant to be grateful? 
Improvisation and instinct
In harm's way
iphone, your phone
Is she worth it? 
It didn't mean anything
It is what it is
It just slipped out
It was a bust!
It was that time of the night
It won’t bring him back
It's a long way to Tipperary
It's already tomorrow
It's just a job
It's never too late
It's not your fault
It's over
Jumping on a bus
Just friends?
Karma coma
Killing time
King Canute
Laying in wait
Learning to count in the shelter  
Leaving home
Let sleeping dogs lie
Lighthouse blues
Life as a movie
Life in second gear
Life's too short for fairytales
Like a trampoline
Like father, like son
Lisboa rendezvous
Lockdown With The Smiths
Lone patrol 
Long Black
Lose the anger
Losing Trigger
Lost card
LR is better than A
Mad or bad?
Make the best of it
Making waves 
Man on a mission
Many a true word said in jest
Marching towards Inishgora
Meeting an angel
Mixers should always complement
Moon is extra bright today
More to life
More with less
Mouse trap
Mum? Dad?
My name's Marie
My nerves can't take this
Never tired of the view
Night swimming
Nine tenths of the law
No comment
No love among traitors
No Name 
No pleasing some humans
Nobody hears silence
Normal family
Nothing under the mattress
Now wash your hands
Number one at the end of the bar
Oddly absent
One drop three drip
One giant leap
One job
On the bus with grandfather
On the ropes
Othello Syndrome
Other world
Out in the storm
Out the window
Over the edge
Own goal
Path of least resistivity
Peppered tail
Plane envy
Playing by the river
Playing with fire
Poor bastard
Poor cat
Preparing for the turkey shoot
Proof of absence
Protect and serve
Pulling a thread
Pulling underpants
Purls of wisdom
Pushing one's luck
Questions and doubts
Ready-made family
Real life calling
Rear window
Red shoes
Reluctant witnesses
Repeat with variation
Rock and a hard place
Roots and drift
Save it for the court, doll
Scare and scar Scratch
Seagulls and crows
Second chance 
Second sight
Seventeen sodden souls
Sharing the moment of the damned
She has to go
She's already dead
She's got pretty persuasion
She looked like Barbara Stanwyck in Double Indemnity
She wrecks my head
Shhh ... Sugar 
Silence and lies
Silly girl
Sitting ducks
Sitting target
Snap inspection
She probably doesn't want to be found
Snow White
So starts a perfect day
Soft boiled egg
Soldiering on
Something I did
Somewhere safe
Sore feet
Spark with a long shadow
Spilt coffee
Standing for a month
Staring into the jaws of defeat
Stick 'em up
Stick of twist?
Still a jewel
Stolen story
Stop tickling me
Stories we live by
Stranded behind enemy lines
Stupid charade
Sunday girl
Swept out to sea
Swim with me 
Swimming with loan sharks
Taking on airs
Taking the devil for a swim
Testing stupidity
That bastard
That could be me
That's all there is to it
That was our home The best fires are well set
The body in the bench
The captain has switched on the seatbelt sign
The clearing
The cook is in meltdown
The dance floor swallows him whole
The distant shore
The drink talking
The end of a dream
The evidence proves otherwise
The game is up
The haunted hospital
The last hurrah!
The last one
The last snowman
The long drop
The long walk
The madman
The makings of a grouch
The morning after
The next morning
The number detective
The price of the moon
The professional personal
The red section
The right kind of wrong
The same green?
The shotgun is missing
The signal in the noise
The song of the sea
The tide has turned The time I wrestled with a tiger
The way home?
The wrong man?
There's a difference between stupid in love and stupid
There's a new sheriff in town
There’s no what if, if he gets hold of her
There's something down there
These woods are haunted
They used to dance and laugh
They'll be another if you blabber
This has to stop
This is a joke, right?
This is from Santa?
This isn't a game
This isn't a video game
This isn’t Pretty Woman
Three types of people
Tiny seed of doubt
To the death
Too quiet
Too slow on the draw
Tough love
Trapped on the sixth floor
Trouble in aisle four
Truth and regret
Turn off the oven
Under fire
Unwilling do-gooder
Upping the ante
Vanished into thin air
Waiting for the NKVD
Wandering in half-light
Wandering the streets
Wanting to scream
Was different time
Washed up on the tide
Watching the wedding
Watching you, watching me
Wayward salmon
We all will
We need an ark
We'll all face the music
We're not all savages
We're not losing any more
We're screwed
Wet dog
What kind of present is that?
What kind of question is that?
Where's my money
Wherever the road takes us
Whiskey and tears
Why teach history if you're going to ignore it?
Why won't they leave me alone?
Will be caught, won't be caught 
Will you still love me tomorrow?
Wishing on a star 
Why do I always attract the weirdos?
Why have you applied for this job?
Why use a hammer?
Won't is not the same as can't
Worth every cent
Would suit a DIY enthusiast
You can ring my parents
You can practically taste the pong
You deserve each other
You, Me, Always
You need to let it go
You'd better sit down
You'll have to jump